This is my pinch-pot creature. This is about the size of my fist and is a circle. I used this kind of yellow color to get the skin tone. The creature is suppose to be an elf and the skill I learned was putting two pinch pots together to make a small creature. This creature gives off a joyful feeling.

I can create a clay project of uniform thickness; with sculptural details that are also of uniform thickness so it will dry, handle, and fire without breaking.
I can slip and score and securely attach clay to clay so that it stays attached.
I can create a unified sculptural form with a details of interest on all sides and the top of the project.
I can design in three dimensions by using three dimensional details (not linear ones)  these 3D forms will create designs with  shadows and highlights.
I can design and create a unified form where the surface design and all sculptural details will enhance the whole by reflecting or contrasting with the form.

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